Uterine Fibroids, also known as myomas or lieomyomas are benign tumors arising from muscle tissue of the uterus. These tumours are mostly benign and have a less than 1 % chance of converting into cancers. Fibroids may be single or multiple. Fibroids may even distort the shape of uterus. Symptoms of fibroids depend on the size, location and duration of fibroids.

Fibroids are usually located in the body of the uterus, sometimes these may be at the mouth of uterus (cervix) also. There are three main types of fibroids based on their location:

  • Subserosal are in the outer wall of the uterus, protruding outside.
  • Intramural are found in the muscular layers of the uterine wall, inside the uterus
  • Submucosal protrude into the cavity of uterus.



Fibroids are found in almost 15 to 20% of women of reproductive age group. The exact cause of development of these benign tumours is unclear. Studies say that it may be because of a combination of genetic, hormonal or environmental factors.


Approximately 5% – 10% of infertile women may have fibroids. The size and location of fibroids determines whether fibroids impact a woman’s fertility or not. Examples include fibroids indenting the uterine cavity (submucosal) or very large (>5 cm in diameter) fibroids.

Most women with fibroids will not have any symptoms at all. A good fertility specialist can help assess if fibroids might be the reason hampering conception. We, at VANSH IVF JAIPUR, which is one of the best IVF centres of Jaipur, have the facility of 3Dimensional vaginal scan. By doing a proper 3D scan and fibroid mapping, our experts can better find out whether fibroids are going to decrease the chances of conception or not.


There are several ways in which uterine fibroids can reduce fertility:

  • Big fibroids may change the shape of the cervix which distorts the axis. This can affect the sperm entry into the uterus.
  • Fallopian tubes can be blocked by pressure effect by fibroids.
  • Fibroids protruding in the cavity may reduce the capacity of the uterus.
  • Blood flow to the uterine cavity can be decreased. If the embryo implants over a fibroid, it may fail growing, causing infertility or even miscarriages.
  • Abnormal contractions caused by fibroids may also decrease the chances of implantation.

Management of fibroid can be by regular follow ups, conservative treatment, medical management or surgery. In cases of fibroids causing infertility, surgical removal, also called myomectomy is the only option. Medical management is not suitable for those who want to conceive.


Once diagnosed with infertility, one must take opinion from a good fertility doctor. A good fertility specialist will guide you whether to remove fibroid or not. Also, he/she will take care of future fertility while doing surgery. While planning for fertility treatment, your doctor will also take care to avoid twin pregnancy because it becomes risky for the babies as well the mother. When planning IVF with fibroids, we plan to prepare embryos first, then give some injections to remove size of fibroids and then do a frozen embryo transfer. Our policy at VANSH IVF JAIPUR is strictly a single blastocyst embryo transfer. This decreases complications without affecting success rates of IVF. We, at VANSH IVF JAIPUR, have a vast experience of dealing with such cases of fibroids with infertility.


Big fibroids may either interfere with implantation or may cause early miscarriages. Fibroids may grow in size or remain stable during the pregnancy. In some cases, mostly during the second trimester, fibroids can outgrow their blood supply and cause severe pain. This is called red degeneration of fibroids. Hospitalization might be needed. Rarely big fibroids may cause preterm labour pains. In cases of fibroids obstructing the passage or in cases of non-progress of labour, caesarean section may be needed. If a woman conceives after having a fibroid removed surgically, her doctor will explain about rare possibility of uterine rupture.


Fibroids are common and may cause infertility in a number of ways. It is prudent to consult a good fertility specialist who does an in-depth assessment of your case and decides on the further course of action.

If you are facing similar issue, please visit VANSH IVF, which is the best IVF centre in Jaipur and has a vast experience of successfully solving even the most complicated cases.